Bright City

Hey guys! Time for another highlander style guide to maximize your stay in Baguio! During this month things in Baguio just does not focus on gift giving but also a lantern parade hosted by my former school Saint Louis University. During this event each academic level from elementary up to the different courses in college, compete to crowned champions showcasing not just their creative lanterns but also the moves they got to shake it! The parade usually starts at around 6 P.M. in where their route is from SM Baguio down to the Melvin Jones grand stand in where group performances take place. So if your lucky enough to be in Baguio for this event, I highly recommend it because its something you wont see here in the metro. Also if you plan to drop by and watch make sure to wear something warm from head to toe because I assure you it will be cold! Thats it for today guys! I hope you picked up some stuff to do while you stay in Baguio after reading this hehehe. You know the drill guys, inquiries, comments, suggestions and more, just hit me up and I will whole heartedly answer you! Thanks for posting up guys till the next time!

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